Health, Parenthood

Miks nii paljudel (emadel) on tass tühi?

Eelmises eestikeelses postituses kirjeldasin, kuidas me elusse Eestis sulandume ja kuna olen veel lapsega kodune, siis olen hakanud pingsalt ostma ja lugema kohalikke ajakirju, mis on peredele suunatud, et rohkem aru saada, kuidas siinsed emad elavad ja mis on väikelaste emadele aktuaalne. Continue reading “Miks nii paljudel (emadel) on tass tühi?”


Coping with motherhood without much support

In my recent Instagram post I wrote about how I had to get on without much support being a new mum when our daughter was born. My husband travels for work a lot and we don’t have any family here.

Continue reading “Coping with motherhood without much support”

Health, Parenthood

Our struggle with tonsillitis

She’s only 13 months old and already suffering from tonsillitis! She had a cold more than a week ago but was feeling and looking well last week on Wednesday when I took her swimming. Massive mum guilt here because the next day she looked and felt miserable. Very clingy, wanted to be held and cuddled all the awake times. It reminded me of the newborn days when I found it hard to put her down as she’d start crying soon after.  Continue reading “Our struggle with tonsillitis”


Our cat taught me mindfulness

London is hectic and noisy and a couple of years ago it really started to affect me. I was going through some stressful times back then, I was battling with infertility and eventually diagnosed with endometriosis. I was looking for ways to calm and ground myself. I took up running, yoga, and concentrated on blogging/writing about my thoughts, but also meditation and I started figuring out what mindfulness was. And who helped me the most? Our cat! Continue reading “Our cat taught me mindfulness”


Another one on sleep 😴 💤

And the lack of it… Once you get used to better sleep and they start waking up frequently again…

I’m posting this when she’s already 5 months old but the messy month of January just didn’t allow me to relax, sit down and finish this blog post… ☹️. Continue reading “Another one on sleep 😴 💤”


A trip to South Italy 🇮🇹 

A couple of weeks ago we took our bump on her first plane journey at 25 weeks! I have some apologising to do later as we travelled with Ryanair… Luckily only almost three hours later we landed in Bari, Calabria, and could forget about the cramped conditions. Another two hours later, by car this time, we arrived near Mandatoriccio in Calabria – our weekend respite. Continue reading “A trip to South Italy 🇮🇹 “

Pregnancy cravings | pregnancy lifestyle blog

Pregnancy cravings – the weird and wonderful!

The cravings have actually been on a relatively normal side for me. Luckily I’ve had no sickness, just mild nausea in the evenings, and a significant drop in appetite overall. I’ve never been a big eater and prefer small meals but now, while being pregnant, I find it really difficult to finish my dinners. My husband finishes them for me and he’s probably growing with me too! 🙁 Continue reading “Pregnancy cravings – the weird and wonderful!”

Beauty & Fashion

Review – Lumene Skincare

I had a layover in Helsinki on my way back from my recent trip to Estonia and had time to do some airport shopping. Finnair flight magazine had an article about Lumene‘s rebranding story, how they wanted to strengthen the image on a global scale as well as within its native market of Finland. As the products are also on sale in Estonia I’m quite familiar with them so I definitely wanted to be able to take a peek at the new range and design. I ended up buying these two from their Invisible Illumination range:

Continue reading “Review – Lumene Skincare”

Liv's London

2015 in review

WordPress emailed me today that some monkeys prepared an annual report on my blog. I quite enjoyed going through these stats and found out that the most popular blog post was “Me” time talking about mindfulness, followed by a review of My Little Box and gallery of Trash the Dress photoshoot. Most visitors came from the United Kingdom, Estonia and Ireland and was viewed over 2,000 times. Continue reading “2015 in review”