Maternity photoshoot
Health, Parenthood

It’s ok not to love being pregnant

I don’t really have time to blog these days, if you’re following me on Instagram then I’ve explained in length how much I’ve got going on at the same time. Shortly – I’m contracting on a marketing project and studying at the same time, more specifically finishing my holistic sleep coaching studies. The deadline for submitting my assignment is looming and it’s all go-go-go here! While not really having time to write anything ‘for myself”/for the blog, there are some emotions to do with my second pregnancy that I want somehow recorded and I decided to do it on this platform and I’m hoping it also resonates with some other mothers.

Continue reading “It’s ok not to love being pregnant”

My toddler needs less sleep. Send help!

For the past week or so my almost 2.5 year old daughter has started napping for only about an hour. She falls asleep within a few minutes so I know she’s tired enough and still very much needs her nap but a few weeks back she was such a brilliant napper that some days I’d have to wake her after two hours and she’d still be fast asleep and now… my break during the day is getting shorter and shorter and I already miss it dearly. Continue reading “My toddler needs less sleep. Send help!”

Liv's Tallinn, Parenthood

Eating out with a toddler – dos and don’ts

We eat out with our daughter very often and we started (read: continued doing what we always liked to do) when she was a newborn. This meant sometimes one of us had to hold and rock her while the other gobbled down the meal in a hurry. My husband works from home a lot so it’s important for him to get out of the house once a day and most likely we’ll end up in a restaurant somewhere.

Continue reading “Eating out with a toddler – dos and don’ts”
Covent Garden London Things to do with a toddler in London
Liv's London, Travel

Top 10 favourite things to do in London with my daughter

Our daughter spent her first two years in London and she won’t have any memory of it but at least she will have plethora of photos and videos to enjoy when she’s older. After just having moved from London to Tallinn I’ve already begun reminiscing about my time spent with her there and I thought I’d make a list of things we liked to do or places to go.

Continue reading “Top 10 favourite things to do in London with my daughter”

Mum guilt – I don’t do enough!

As a stay at home mum to a toddler who doesn’t go to a nursery yet (she’s going to be two years old very soon) I feel I have more pressure on making sure she gets enough stimulation via play time and interaction with peers. Continue reading “Mum guilt – I don’t do enough!”


Working mum and stay at home mum experiences

I became a stay at home mum (SAHM) when our daughter turned one last year. For many reasons it didn’t make sense to return to a full-time job and pay a large amount of my salary to a nursery. The company I was supposed to go back to didn’t offer flexible working hours, otherwise I might have even considered it but I wasn’t a big fan of the company culture in the first place so it wasn’t very difficult to make that big decision.  Continue reading “Working mum and stay at home mum experiences”


Side effects of weaning from breastfeeding 🤱🏻

I recently weaned our daughter and am incredibly proud of myself as I managed to breastfeed for 16.5 months and only decided to give up because she was just losing interest. I had already cut down to a morning feed only and in the beginning of this year she looked like she didn’t even want that anymore either. Continue reading “Side effects of weaning from breastfeeding 🤱🏻”


Water wobbles – tips to help toddlers with water anxiety

We’ve been swimming with Water Babies since she was 11 weeks old and it’s been one of the baby/toddler activities that I used to look forward to the most. Used to… When she turned one she completely changed in the water – she is clingy, going underwater scares her, pretty much everything that we were able to do previously, she has a problem with. She still loves bath time so it didn’t make any sense until our instructor explained the water wobbles.  Continue reading “Water wobbles – tips to help toddlers with water anxiety”