
Coping with motherhood without much support

In my recent Instagram post I wrote about how I had to get on without much support being a new mum when our daughter was born. My husband travels for work a lot and we don’t have any family here.

Continue reading “Coping with motherhood without much support”


What baby things I regret buying and what were useful

Decluttering seems to be the trend in 2019, with Tidying up with Marie Kondo gaining vast popularity on Netflix and “everyone’s” Insta or Facebook feeds claiming to tackle their homes to become clutter-free and more organised. I’m not jumping on the bandwagon here because I’ve never liked clutter in the first place and am pretty good at doing regular spring cleans to get rid of old items, be it clothes, books or just piles of paperwork that’s no longer needed. However, it did make me think how many things we’ve bought since our daughter was born and how obsessed I’ve become trying to keep our living tidy because her stuff seems to be everywhere! Continue reading “What baby things I regret buying and what were useful”


Wonder Weeks leap 9 and illnesses

The months of October and November brought me to my knees… 😥 . It started in mid-October with our daughter’s sniffles and I thought she was ok to go swimming but sure enough, the next day she looked and felt much worse. The following day she didn’t look well at all and was just clinging on to me so I got a last minute doctor’s appointment. I was astonished when she announced our little girl had tonsillitis! That was the last thing I thought she could have. Continue reading “Wonder Weeks leap 9 and illnesses”

Baby and lifestyle blogger London

John Lewis’s nursery consultation

This Monday I went to a free two-hour consultation with one of John Lewis’s nursery advisors on Oxford Street. They are trained as sales staff (as they should be) and can recommend a long list of things that you may not actually need in the end but I found it really useful and only took a few things with a pinch of salt.  Continue reading “John Lewis’s nursery consultation”