Toddler arts and crafts
Liv's Tallinn, Parenthood

Social distancing – how are you coping?

Last Friday Estonia announced a lockdown due to the spreading of COVID-19 until 1st May. Schools closed for two weeks today, concerts and other public events are either to be postponed or cancelled, if possible, people should work from home, strict entry controls have been put in place at all airports, seaports, and land borders. Play rooms, spas etc. are also closed till further notice. Restaurants, cafes operate on individual basis, there’s no set rule for that. Yet. Small businesses are suffering, we just don’t know to what extent. There’s a slight panic buying (toilet paper for all things like everywhere else…) but I‘m just glad that our government has taken this decision, people have guidelines and rules to follow, compared to what seems like a slight chaos back in the UK. 

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Coping with motherhood without much support

In my recent Instagram post I wrote about how I had to get on without much support being a new mum when our daughter was born. My husband travels for work a lot and we don’t have any family here.

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